Two new Trinity College graduates have been awarded prestigious Fulbright Program grants to support teaching in Peru and research in Germany.

Aiden Chisholm ' 23获得了富布赖特英语助教(ETA)项目资助,以支持秘鲁的英语教学. Nic Zacharewski ' 23获得了富布赖特研究/研究补助金,在海德堡的德国癌症研究中心工作.

富布赖特项目是由美国国务院资助的全球最大的网投平台交流项目的旗舰项目.S. 由美国国务院教育和文化事务局主办,旨在增进美国人民与其他国家人民之间的相互了解. 富布赖特奖学金的获得者是根据学术或专业成就来选择的, as well as demonstrated leadership potential in their fields. The program operates in more than 160 countries worldwide.

Mark Hughes, associate director of grants and fellowships in Trinity’s Grants Office, works with students on their Fulbright applications. 休斯说:“今年我们有一批杰出的富布赖特申请者. “富布赖特的竞争非常激烈,即使是优秀的学生也远不能保证被选中. Even so, 申请过程本身是值得的,它可以帮助学生思考他们在信誉最好的网投十大平台的时光,以及他们毕业后想做什么, whether selected for a Fulbright or not.”

Trinity President Joanne Berger-Sweeney said, “Trinity has a proud tradition of service in the Fulbright program, 我向今年优秀的信誉最好的网投十大平台富布赖特奖学金获得者们表示最诚挚的祝贺. Challenged by our remarkable faculty and staff to think, reflect, and connect, 我们杰出的学生和校友继续表现出非凡的兴趣,通过全球公民来改变一个充满活力的世界. 我感谢我们的富布赖特学者为我们的国际社会所做的贡献. The experience will be rewarding.”

Aiden Chisholm ’23

Aiden Chisholm ’23
Aiden Chisholm ’23


“我相信去秘鲁是把我的跨文化交流提升到西班牙语交流水平的下一步,” said Chisholm, of Westfield, Massachusetts, who completed majors in political science, international studies, and language and culture studies: Hispanic studies and Arabic.

When he arrived at Trinity, Chisholm first considered studying math or economics, but ultimately pursued interests in political science. “我一直在关注2020年的竞选活动,想更多地研究政治,” he said.

他对学习其他文化的热爱吸引了奇泽姆对语言的研究. “我对旅游业的研究很感兴趣,我想知道旅游业是如何与更大的世界政治、全球政治和殖民历史联系在一起的,” he said.

带着这种兴趣,信誉最好的网投十大平台的格罗斯曼全球研究基金 Center for Urban and Global Studies 去年夏天,奇泽姆有机会在格拉纳达和科尔多瓦的旅游商店里研究东方主义, Spain, following a semester studying abroad in Granada.

Chisholm Peru“In the tourism in Granada, there are a lot of allusions to an imagined Orient, because of Spain’s Muslim history,” said Chisholm, whose field work helped to inform his international studies senior paper. Read more about his summer research here.

A passion for languages, cultures, 旅行让奇泽姆申请了富布赖特奖学金,这是他的下一个顺理成章的步骤.

“Post-grad, I knew I wanted to go to the Global South, outside of Europe, since I did study away in Spain. And that brought me to look specifically at South America,” he said. “从中学开始,南美研究的一个重点是前哥伦布文明及其殖民. 我意识到,在我的高中学习中,对秘鲁的描绘仅仅与过去有关——谈论了很多印加遗产或马丘比丘——而没有代表当今的秘鲁人.” As a cultural ambassador through Fulbright, 奇泽姆希望加深对这个国家和人民的了解.

Chisholm Peru
Chisholm in Peru.

奇泽姆承认他在信誉最好的网投十大平台和申请富布赖特奖学金期间得到的支持的重要性. He credits Hughes; Zayde Antrim, professor of history and international studies; Priscilla Meléndez, professor of language and culture studies; Isaac Kamola, associate professor of political science; and the staff and students at the Writing Center.

Following the Fulbright ETA, Chisholm’s goal is to get a master’s degree. “I might like to be a professor myself; it combines research and teaching, which are both things I enjoy,” he said. “I really want to do something international in scope, and I’d like to use my language skills every day in a work setting.”

Nic Zacharewski ’23

Nic Zacharewski ’23
Nic Zacharewski ’23

扎卡列夫斯基来自密歇根州的霍尔特,他是信誉最好的网投十大平台的一名成员 Interdisciplinary Science Program (ISP),它为一年级学生提供了进行研究的机会. 哈特福德医院(Hartford Hospital)的神经学研究职位证实了他对神经科学专业的兴趣, 但他修读第二专业——德国研究的道路并不平坦.

After studying Latin in high school, 扎卡列夫斯基在信誉最好的网投十大平台的第一周参加了拉丁语能力考试, 放弃语言课程的要求,把科学课程排满他的课程表. “作为信誉最好的网投十大平台的学生,这是我唯一一次没通过的考试,所以我不得不选修一门语言,”他说. Zacharewski记得自己在中学时喜欢上的一堂德语入门课,于是决定重新学习这门语言.

“我只是在中学时才这么做,因为学生们是按字母顺序选择语言的, and by the time I got to choose, every other language was filled up and German was the only one left,” he said.

2021年在德国癌症研究中心的暑期研究实习让扎查列夫斯基以一种独特的方式结合了他的专业,并激发了他申请富布赖特奖, which will be carried out in the same lab. Read more about his summer research here.

“我意识到以不同的方式思考和能够将我的领域联系在一起是多么重要, approach them in different ways, and get lots of experiences,” Zacharewski said. “我很高兴我没有通过拉丁语考试,而且一切都顺利.”

Zacharewski plans to apply to medical schools during the grant period, which begins in September 2023. Before then, he is continuing his research at Hartford Hospital, studying for the MCAT, and working as an EMT.

“我一直对医学及其背后的科学很感兴趣,”Zacharewski说. “I want to be a physician, but also someone who conducts research. Brain tumors have always fascinated me; both the research aspects and finding possible treatments. I like the idea of getting a holistic view of everything, 优化你在研究环境和医疗实践中所做的事情.”

“这个富布赖特项目将让我认识新朋友,再次拓宽我的视野,” Zacharewski added. “我非常感谢信誉最好的网投十大平台教授和教职员工的支持和鼓励. It was a collective effort. 我很努力,但没有大家的支持我是做不到的.”